smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile


A smile is the facial expression that most engages others.
With the help of the teeth
— which provide structural support for the face muscles — the mouth also forms a frown and other expressions that show on your face.
The mouth also plays a key role in the digestive system, but it does much more than get digestion started. The mouth — especially the teeth, lips, and tongue — is essential for speech. The tongue, which allows us to taste, also helps form words when we speak. The lips that line the outside of the mouth both help hold food in while we chew and pronounce words when we talk.
With the lips and tongue, teeth help form words by controlling air flow out of the mouth. The tongue strikes the teeth as certain sounds are made.
The hardest substances in the body, the teeth are also necessary for chewing (or mastication) — the process by which we tear, cut, and grind food in preparation for swallowing. Chewing allows enzymes and lubricants released in the mouth to further digest food.
All envy flawless & beautiful smile so mouth care is very much important. First we should know the structure of our dentistry.

Human beings develop 2 sets of teeth in their lifetime the primary denture which is baby teeth or milk teeth and the permanent denture which replaces the primary set during childhood. There are 20 teeth in the primary set & 32 teeth in the permanent set. In the adult, in each quadrant from the mid line, there are 2 incisors, canine,canine premolar & 3 molars.
Each tooth is composed of a crown and one or more roots. The crown is the portion of the tooth, which projects into the oral cavity. Its shape varies from tooth to tooth, depending on its function. The roots of the tooth are the portions, which are contained within the bony socket. The roots are attached to the bony socket by means of the periodontal fibers, which hold the teeth firmly in place. The bulk of the teeth is made up of dentine, but a layer of enamel covers the crown. Enamel is the hardest structure in the body. A thin layer of cementum covers the roots.
The tooth has a hollow center which contains the pulp. This holds the blood vessels and nerves of the teeth.
Cleaning of teeth:- Regular cleaning of teeth is very important to keep it healthy. The object of brushing the teeth is to remove all ‘plaque’ from every accessible teeth surface without causing damage to the teeth & gums. A methodical approach should be adopted so that all the surfaces of all the teeth are brushed. It is, however, best to use a simply designed or slightly angulate toothbrush. A brush with a head approximately 2.5 cm in length is ideal for use in an average adult. Nylon bristles are more hygienic & superior. Replace the toothbrush in about 4 to 6 weeks.

Dental carries:-
Dental caries is nothing but tooth decay. It is the disease of the hard parts of the teeth, leading to their disintegration. Bacteria are normally present in the mouth. Some of these such as ‘lactobacilli’ act on the carbohydrates to break them down first to simple sugar & then to acids. These acids diffuse around the teeth & literally dissolve the minerals resulting in a hole. Holes occurs most frequently in the recessed areas of the teeth where two adjoining teeth meet, in the natural fissures on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, and on the surface of the teeth next to the gum. These are the areas from where the brush can not remove the ‘plaque’ of bacteria.
Can you stop decay by brushing your teeth?
The simple answer is no. The film of bacteria known as the ‘plaque’ reforms so quickly after brushing, that you would have to clean the teeth perfectly, including ‘the hidden areas’ every hour or so to be ‘plaque free’. And this is clearly impractical.
Moreover, the bacterial ‘plaque’ is only of the factors in the causation of caries. The structure of the tooth itself influences the occurrence of caries. Tooth decay occurs most readily in stagnation areas, for instance, caries is common in the pits & fissures of teeth. These areas can not be reached by even the fine bristles of the toothbrush & the ‘plaque’ there remains undisturbed despite frequent brushing. Abnormally placed teeth also prevent adequate natural and artificial cleansing & therefore lead to stagnation.
The only successful way to stop decay is to cut down on the frequency of eating sugar. This is not as easy as it sounds, because sugar is often present ‘invisibly’ in many foods. Adequate brushing alone will also not eliminate decay, but it does stop the plaque film from building up to a great thickness & so cuts down on the acid production.
Our Unani specialty preparation takes care of this complicated tooth problem. It ensures the total cleanliness & protection of your teeth & mouth. Simple, you have E-mail us your problem.
Gum inflammation or pyorrhea:- Pyorrhea or gum inflammation is one of the commonest diseases in the world. Though initially the disease is superficial involving just the gums, it can progressively extend to involve the deeper tissues, i.e. the periodontal tissue, which hold the teeth to the bones.
The biggest problem with gum inflammation is that it usually produces very few symptoms most people suffering from this problem are totally unaware of it. The patient may, sometimes notice bleeding of gums especially while brushing the teeth.
Halitosis or bad breath is most commonly caused by chronic inflammation of the gums. However, unless it is particularly severe, the patients tend to be unaware of it, although others may find it all too obvious.
The gums of those having this problem appear spongy and red, and the gum margin recedes away from the teeth enamel.
The underlying bone is then destroyed & with advancing bone destruction, the teeth lose their support & loosen out. Most patients seek advice at this stage, when considerable damage has already been done.

Unani herbal medicines proved successful in treating pyorrhea and related disorder like bad breath etc.

Tooth stain:- Not every one of us has sparkling white teeth. This is because the teeth get discolored with stains.
These stains are most frequent due to eternal agents, though occasionally stains can be deposited with in the structure of teeth.
Extrinsic stains occur most frequently in the presence of roughened enamel, irregular teeth ,decreased mastication and poor oral hygiene.
Tobacco stains are the commonest stains seen & are a result of smoking. The colour varies from light brown to black. They are due to a very tenacious deposit and occur more frequently on the inner surfaces of the teeth. The severity of tobacco stain depends more upon the standard of oral hygiene than on the quantity of tobacco smoked.
A diffuse, dull, yellow staining of the tooth results from the discoloration of the bacterial plaque by dyes like turmeric in foodstuffs. Tartar or calculus in the third common stain. It is due to mineral salt deposits on a thick bacteria plaque. It causes a brownish stain and is seen both above & below the gum margin. This needs to be regularly removed by scaling.
Intrinsic stains can also be removed by flourish, tetracycline taken during tooth formation & tooth decay.

These stains can also be removed by Unani herbal powders without any negative reaction unlike synthetic, chemical cleaning methods.