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cure aids, treatment of aids, herbal treatment of aids. aids diet AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome:
Acquired means you can get infected with it;
Immune Deficiency means a weakness in the body’s system that fights diseases.
Syndrome means a group of health problems that make up a disease.
AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. If you get infected with HIV, your body will try to fight the infection. It will make “antibodies,” special molecules to fight HIV.
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is believed to be caused by a virus called HIV which weakens the immune system and makes the body less able to fight infection. A person who is HIV + (tests positive for HIV antibodies) may have no symptoms or may have opportunistic infection such as certain cancers or pneumonia.
There is currently no cure for AIDS but it can often be controlled with drugs.
What are the later symptoms of HIV/AIDS?
Lack of energy, Weight loss, Frequent fevers and sweats,A thick whitish coating of the tongue or mouth (thrush) that is caused by a yeast infection and sometimes accompanied by a sore throat. Severe or recurring vaginal yeast infections, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease or severe and frequent infections like herpes zoster.
Periods of extreme and unexplained fatigue that may be combined with headaches, lightheadedness, and/or dizziness. Rapid loss of more than 10 pounds of weight that is not due to increased physical exercise or dieting. Bruising more easily than normal Long-lasting bouts of diarrhea. Swelling or hardening of glands located in the throat, armpit, or groin Periods of continued, deep, dry coughing. Increasing shortness of breath the appearance of discolored or purplish growths on the skin or inside the mouth.Unexplained bleeding from growths on the skin, from mucous membranes, or from any opening in the body. Recurring or unusual skin rashes Severe numbness or pain in the hands or feet, the loss of muscle control and reflex, paralysis or loss of muscular strength. An altered state of consciousness, personality change, or mental deterioration Children may grow slowly or fall sick frequently. HIV positive persons are also found to be more vulnerable to some cancers.
An ancient Graeco-Arab system of medicine, not much is known about unani’s efforts in developing an AIDS cure. Clinical trials of nigella sativa are, however, on amongst unani medical researchers. They say the herb is effective in boosting the immune function and should help in the search for AIDS antidote. Traditional systems of medicine are no doubt prevalent in various countries of the world, but most of these are empirical. On the other hand, unani and its allied branches have rational and scientific basic principles. It is distinct from other branches of medicine, as the drugs it uses are natural in their sources and forms. It emphasizes on retaining natural compounds which belong to the human body, and hence prescribes only natural remedies. Unani medicine believes that diseases can be kept at bay by the use of clean and fresh water, breathing clean air and consuming fresh food. Likewise, a balance should be maintained between the mind and the body so that the metabolic process can take place easily and the body waste evacuated. Unani medicine also believes that all life forms have originated from the sea.
In Unani medicine, herbs are used in many different systems in different ways. However the ultimate objective of their use is that they should interact directly with our body chemistry. They may be used in various forms like food, medicine, cosmetics or perfumes. But in all cases their active unani constituents must be observed into the body for deriving the required benefits. They circulate to influence our whole system. According to our Hakeem , a prominent Unani physician, the skill of the herbalist lies mainly in strengthening the body’s own healing mechanism instead of suppressing or disturbing it, as modern medicine tends to do.
AIDS-NIL Capsules will help you in prevention of HIV/AIDS
Ingredients of AIDS-NIL Capsules


Tinospora Cordifolia

25 mg
Gellidum Amansii
25 mg
Withania somnifera
25 mg
Berberis aristata
25 mg
Azadirachta indica
25 mg
Hydrocotyl asiatica
25 mg
Glychyrrhiza glabra
Curcuma angustifolia
25 mg
Tribulis terrestris
25 mg
Artemisia absinthium
25 mg
Rumex crispus
25 mg
Hemidesmus indicus
25 mg
Ocimum sanctum
25 mg
Emblica officinalis
25 mg
Natural Asphaltum
25 mg
Cuminum cyminum
25 mg
Nigella Sativa
75 mg
” AIDS-NIL Capsule” is a unani medicine for HIV/AIDS indication. Which help HIV/AIDS sufferers to get their CD4 back to normal number through a few weeks use This depends on the condition of their HIV/ AIDS phase and if the sufferers also have had any opportunistic reactions.

This natural remedy available in form of Capsule. AIDS-NIL Capsule can kill the virus in human being body safely within a very brief period. Progress can be seen in 30-60 days (with regular usage of the right dose). Sufferers will need to have 30 to 60 capsules, two times daily after or before meals.
AIDS-NIL Capsule does not cause any side effect.
If you would like to see the change that happens in a sufferer’s body, you can have a blood test one week after regular consumption of AIDS-NIL Capsule natural remedy. You can see clearly the difference of virus rate in the patient’s blood, before and after consuming the remedy. Consumption in high doses remains safe, and will not generate any side effect.
At promotion period we offer a good price of a packet of AIDS-NIL Capsule natural remedy for one month consumption.
(60 capsules- Price US Dollar $ 79.00 which cost Rs 2,650)
Herbal Health Care’s AIDS-NIL Capsule works on our pioneering principle:-
• Inhibits viral multiplication.
• Augments production of CD4 lymphocytes cell.
• Immune Restorative
• Treatment & Prophylaxis for Opportunistic Infections.
• Stimulate & sustain physiological activity in the body.
How AIDS-NIL Capsule acts for HIV/ AIDS:
• Decreases RNA viral load up to undetectable level.
• Increases CD4 Helper T cells.
• Tones up functions of vital organs of the body.
• Curtail the development of ailments.

• Reduce & stop the vulnerability to opportunistic infections.
• Not prone to Multi drug resistance.
• It is safe & free from side effects & contra-indications.
• Completely free from any of the injurious ingredients like lead or steroid.

• Immunity, vigor & vitality of the patient is restored enabling him to lead a productive energetic life.
• It is very efficacious as a prophylactic to prevent transmission of HIV virus from mother to foetus during pregnancy.
how to cure aids, aids diet, aids symptoms, treatment of aidsYou don’t actually “get” AIDS. You might get infected with HIV, and later you might develop AIDS. You can get infected with HIV from anyone who’s infected, even if they don’t look sick and even if they haven’t tested HIV-positive yet. The blood, vaginal fluid, semen, and breast milk of people infected with HIV has enough of the virus in it to infect other people.
Most people get the HIV virus by:
• having sex with an infected person
• sharing a needle (shooting drugs) with someone who’s infected
• being born when their mother is infected, or drinking the breast milk of an infected woman
Getting a transfusion of infected blood used to be a way people got AIDS, but now the blood supply is screened very carefully and the risk is extremely low.There are no documented cases of HIV being transmitted by tears or saliva, but it is possible to be infected with HIV through oral sex or in rare cases through deep kissing, especially if you have open sores in your mouth or bleeding gums.
HIV+ people may be symptom-free for years and people with AIDS (PWAS) may live for years with the disease. In the age of AIDS everyone should know about safer sex. HIV can infect anyone regardless of sexual orientation sex, age, race or economic class. While the incidence of AIDS is much higher in some populations than in others, it is not who you are that can give you AIDS – but you do.
Only you can decide what kind of sex is right for you and what risks you will take. Some people take all possible precautions with every partner for their own peace of mind and so they do not have to rely on others for their safety. Others choose to forgo some or all precautions depending on their relationship and life style.
“Low risk” Myths You can not tell whether someone is infected by his appearance or lifestyle. Most HIV+ people do not look sick and may pass on the virus unintentionally. “Nice people” can and do get AIDS. Marriage long-term relationship and monogamy are no guarantee against AIDS, if one partner has been previously infected.
AIDS was recognized in 1981 the virus has been around even longer.
A common rule of thump is that a negative HIV test is not reliable unless the person was tested at least six months after he or she had engaged in any unsafe activity. One unprotected encounter with an infected person is enough to transmit the virus.
Sexual orientation.Men who have sex with men account for most in U.S. AIDS cases. People who have sex with member of the opposite sex make up a growing proportion especially among women urban populations and H IV drug users in several countries and heterosexual sex is the primary means of AIDS transmission. Women who have sex with women account for a small number of cases.
The labels gay, lesbian, heterosexual, bisexual are not reliable indicators of sexual behavior. Some gay men and lesbian have sex with the same sex and bisexual may have sex with either both or neither.
Current cell identification does not indicate past sexual activity.
What activities are risky?
The highest amount of HIV is found in blood and semen.
HIV is also present in smaller amounts in vaginal and cervical fluid (especially if a woman has a vaginal or cervical infection). Recent studies show that pre-cum does contain HIV although it is debated whether it is enough to transmit AIDS. There are no studies of the amount of HIV in female ejaculate. Very little HIV is present in saliva, sweat and tears these almost certainly cannot transmit AIDS.
Anal and vaginal intercourse account for most documented cases of sexually transmitted AIDS. While oral sex accounts for a few cases. Other activities have not been show to cause AIDS but theoretically could present some risk, because they can allow HIV-containing body fluids to get from one person to another. Studies show that HIV may be absorbed directly by cells in the mucous membranes.
The safest activities are those that avoid any way in which HIV-infected blood semen or vaginal fluid can get from one person’s body to another person’s mucous membranes or bloodstream.
High risk !
Aids cure, treatment of aids, diet aids Unprotected anal intercourse.
*Unprotected vaginal intercourse.
*Sharing needles (for drugs piercing).
*Sharing implements that draw blood (whips, knives).
*Unprotected oral sex on a menstruating women.
*Unprotected oral-anal contact.
*Unprotected oral sex on a man with ejaculation.
*Getting urine,vagina & ass in mouth.
*Unprotected oral sex with a man with ejaculation.
*Unprotected oral sex on a non-menstruating women.
*Sharing uncovered sex toys.Anal intercourse without a condom.
*Vaginal intercourse without a condom.Oral sex on a man using a condom.
*Oral sex on a man using a latex barrier.Oral-anal contact using a latex barrier.
*Fisting or finger fucking using a glove.Petting, manual-genital contact. Deep (French) kissing.
*Spanking, whipping that does not break the skin.Bondage and discipline play.Masturbation (alone or with partner)
Hugging, touching.Massage.Talking dirty, phone or net sex, fantasy has no risk.
Sexual activities fall on a continuum from high risk to risk-free. Activities at the top carry a high risk of HIV transmission (especially for the receptive partner). Upper-middle range activities carry a minimal or indeterminate risk. Lower-middle range activities carry a theoretical risk. Activities at the bottom are completely safe.